You did your best! More than anything, the best reward is your character has been maintained.
You gave it all you had ~ you may not have won the state title ~ but you kept, held onto and maintained your character.
Your third match you may have lost in points ~ however, you got up, into the circle, shook your opponents hand and at the end of the day ~ you came off the mat ~ the same person ~ Cody Criswell ~ but not only as a wrestler, but a Champion of Christ, a son, a brother, a grandson, a nephew, a friend, a boyfriend, and a leader seeking to always improve by remaining humble. This is your greatest key in this life ~ remaining humble. Cody, I urge you as I urge myself to serve others for God's glory and He will lift you up. His lifting up is much higher than where pride will ever take us in the end ~ which is to the greatest pit of destruction. However, to be lifted up by the mighty Hand of God is higher than all the man-made accalades put together.
We are blessed to call you 'our' son. I know I am not your birth mother, however, I am blessed to call you my own. To see your real mom, your Aunt Gina and your Grandpa Len who came to see you this weekend ~ no matter win or lose ~ to see the joy in their eyes as they saw you face to face was a great reward. I get to share in their love over you ~ as I know they are blessed to call you son, nephew and grandson.
Not only do I consider you as my son, but also as my brother in Christ. I urge you in this to amaze the world around you as you boldly and with confidence grab onto the tools God has commanded you to utilize ~ the tools of strength and courage from Him. Don't resort to your own strength and courage; but pick up and utilize the abundance from God that will give glory to His Famous, Awesome Name.
Please remember that God will be glorified with or without you ~ but why not be a part of it as He has made Himself available to You. Let go of your dreams for yourself and grasp God's dreams for you ~ you will be led on an adventure that your own dreams could never conjure up! However, the key along with humbleness is following God by faith ~ letting go of reason, logic, doubt and unbelief.
Finally my son, let the losses be your teacher of where you need to improve; and let the wins be your advocate of encouragement, persevering with excellence.
The difference between good and great is what you're willing to let go of and finally take hold of. Remember, greatness is meant for you to change lives which will cause a ripple effect of great significance revealing God's purpose over you as the world around you is amazed by the glory of the King and our Father.
In closing, not only do we love you ~ but please know that while your wrestling season in the physical realm may be over ~ in the spiritual realm it continues. Your Coach is Christ Jesus...He is the greatest advisor in giving you the moves to go forward in victory, calling the moves with precise calculation as He is the greatest Strategist.
When the tests come ~ persevere ~ don't quit! Keep your eyes on God ~ the True Reward! His grace will allow you to rise above conflict, tests and temptations with boldness and strength motivated by Love.
Once you've wrestled and continue to wrestle, even when the temptation of quit beckons your name ~ everything else in life will be easier because you rely on His Spirit which reveals His abundant grace. Maintain the championship title as you "Go, Fight and Win!" in Christ Jesus for His Name is Victory!
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